I thought that the guest speaker today in class was very
interesting and her work is also exciting.
The videos that she showed us were very powerful but sad. It was interesting that these people were
able to open up and allow themselves to be subject to judgment from what they
have done. Domestic violence among
husbands and wives is a very scary thing that goes on and for people to talk
about what happened is very courageous. This
cleansing that these people were able to experience is very powerful and
helpful to not only them but the people they have hurt. Her work with prisoners was very interesting
as well. The fact that she was able to
get them to open up about their crimes and how they express their guilt and
sorrow for the families was amazing. These
prisoners are considered monsters because of the things that they have done,
however, there are multiple things that goes into the way these men were
raised. These men had parents or
relatives that instilled this violence and rage inside them but that fact goes
ignored because society just wants to blame the man for being a monster and a
killer. The way she is able to express
these people’s feelings about battery and murder is quite compelling because it
is a difficult thing to do. To have
prisoner’s write music or poetry about what it is like to be in prison is
interesting because I would not think that these men would have these feelings
or be able to express them in the extraordinary ways that they did. The struggle that these men go through on a
daily basis is awful and every day they have to live with their mistakes from
when they were younger. That would be a
very difficult thing to deal with to know that you are not the same person you
were 20 years ago but are still in prison for the same crime. She was a good guest speaker because she informed
me about the ways the arts can help express conflict and understanding.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Gender Identity and Expression
The presentation on Tuesday was very interesting and but
kind of confusing. I did not really
realize the difference between gender identity and gender expression. These are two terms that I thought were
similar however, the “ gender-bread” paper sorted out these two terms for
me. Your gender identity does not have
to match your gender expression. How you
identify your gender could be different in the way you choose to express your
gender. The way you express your gender
could be how you dress or how you do your hair (mostly physical
appearance). When Nikki shared her
family’s story about her niece it was very sad.
It shows the struggle that most teens have with their parents about
gender identity and acceptance. I know
that it is difficult for parents to accept their child’s choice of being gay
but they should also accept it because it makes them happy. I wish that the group would have spoken more
about sex-change surgery because I find it to be a very complex surgery and
there are a lot of pieces that goes in to it.
The idea about tax payer’s dollars going towards paying for
sex-reassignment surgery is a difficult question for me to answer because I do
not know the specifics about the surgery in general. The presentation overall was very informative
and cleared up difficult vocabulary terms that I was confused about.
Monday, November 19, 2012
“You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down”
I thought that the article written by Alice Walker was very interesting but kind of concerning at the same time. It was interesting to read about the black couple and how the husband viewed not only black women in general, but also his wife. I think that is pathetic that he cannot get over the fact that black women yes were mistreated and it was awful that were treated that way but he cannot take that out on his wife. Just because he cannot get over does not mean that his wife is like those women or make her suffer from his own insecurities. The wife should be proud of her heritage and not hide behind it just because her husband disapproves. I just do not understand why the husband believes that her body has belonged to someone else and why he cannot love her as she is. The whole idea of lynching and pornography is still confusing to me. However, from what I understand is that lynching and sexual exploitation of enslaved black women were just ways for white men control the black people of their community. For example, the text says “American slavery relied on the denial of the humanity of Black folks, and the undermining of our sense of nationhood and family, on the stripping away of the Black man’s role as protector and provider, and on the structuring of Black women into the American system of white male domination...” The husband struggles with the fact that he is not a white male but he tries to be because he hides his afro and tries to straighten it. He is struggling with his identity in society and that is why he is attracted to white women, because if he is attracted to white women then he should be considered white. It makes sick to think that her husband could feel so negative about his wife and not even be able to look her in the eye. This idea of culture and race and sexual exploitation is interesting to read about, however, this idea was new to me and it definitely grabbed my attention while I was reading it.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Sports and Media Presentation
The presentation on gender and sports was very interesting and brought up a good discussion among the class. As a student athlete, I understand the gendered bias in sports. I have experienced it all my life from unfair gym times, to equipment and uniforms. It is very difficult to a part of this gendered bias because you can work twice as hard as a male team and still not be credited as "good" enough. As far as the media is concerned, when ESPN placed more female broadcasters on air, I was shocked. I was shocked because I never thought that it would happen because most women are not taken seriously in sports. Media coverage is slighted towards women because their sports seem not as interesting or as "violent." I enjoy watching both men's and women's sports equally but after this presentation, I have realized the difference in media and how it effects the overall image of that sport. The research done on this topic is also interesting to look at because no one thinks to look at what TV channel covers women's sports more than men's or vise verse. When I watch ESPN, the top plays are my favorite. However, it is very rare that you see a women's sport on the top plays because of the lack of coverage or lack of interest. Overall, I thought the group's presentation was interesting and had really good facts and information.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Gender and Healthcare Presentation
The presentation on Tuesday was interesting and brought to
life new ideas about the healthcare system that I was not aware of. The whole stigma around abortion is highly
contradictory and very controversial. I am
not sure where I stand on the pro-life pro-choice debate because I believe that
once you are in the situation, your opinion can change in a heartbeat. The decisions that you make about abortion
also have to do with the religious background you come from and how your
parents also view the situation. I know
that my parents have two completely different views on the issue and it makes
it difficult for me to form an opinion about abortion. I am also not very educated about the laws
and ideas about abortion either. The education
in my school about sexual education and that kind of stuff was minimal. You learned about sex from word of mouth
because no one wants to have that talk with their parents. I thought that the group’s presentation was
informative because they provided information about the legislation concerning abortion
and the lack of education surrounding the issue as well. I believe that a woman should have the choice
if she is in a situation where she needs to make the decision of abortion,
however, I do believe that there should be some restrictions placed on the time
and term of the pregnancy. I also think
that there needs to be more education in schools and programs that provide
information about sex in order to prevent abortions and high risk
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Women and Politics
I thought
our presentation went really well today.
I enjoyed Dr. Plane’s introduction into our topic because he has a good
insight into the first ladies and what their role in the White House is and how
it has evolved. I enjoyed the class discussion
about the box activity and the stereotypes that are placed within it. We had a lot of material to cover in our
presentation about the roles of the First Ladies and then we looked at 4
different first ladies individually, however, we did not make it to that part
of our presentation because there was such a good discussion going! The video that we played for the class did a
really good job at summarizing the point we were trying to make about the stereotypes
placed against women in politics and how they are always in a lose/lose
situation. I hope that the chances of women
in the political world begin to change because there are women out there that
are capable of holding office and doing a good job at it. The presentation allowed us to organize the way we want to write our literature review paper because we could organize our material and gain a better understanding about it. The focus of our paper will probably be centered around the idea that the advances in media have allowed for the progression of the first ladies to occur but it is also the fault for the many stereotypes placed against these women in politics.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Women of Liberia
The presentation about Liberia was new information to me and very interesting. I had no idea that there was a war going on in that country and it is scary to think about. I do not think that it was fair to un-arm these women because that is the only protection that they have. The UN tries to support these women; however, with the UN it is an all or nothing. They either support women completely, or they ignore them completely. I think that the women of Liberia should be supported and given more respect because they are the ones trying to enforce change. I think it was a good thing that these women fought for equality and change because it is what they deserve. They did not deserve to forced into war or conflict. What upset me the most during this presentation was about how rape is used as form of force against these women to get them to join the war. This is awful and no woman ever deserves to be placed in a position where they do not have a choice. I thought that the group’s presentation today was very informative but also scary to think about at the same time. Their presentation really forced me to think about rape and violence outside of the United States.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Rape Presentation
The class presentation on Thursday was about rape culture
and how difficult it is to structurally define what rape is. The group’s presentation was informative and
really forced me to think about rape and how I only view rape when it comes to
women. I thought that their presentation
was clear and informative and the article that they provided with us to read
was also interesting as well. I feel as
though the education about rape and the different ways that it can happen is
also important. Because rape has a
stigma that it just has to be violent.
However, there are multiple forms of rape that are not necessarily
violent in a physical way but psychological and an emotional way. I also never realized how many people was
that aware of rape and when it could happen, I know that it could happen to me
but I never walk around scared that every time I see a man that it could
happen. I wouldn’t mind taking a
self-defense class because I believe that they are the best form of protection for
a woman… along with pepper spray.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Feminist Movement to End Violence
I agree with the fact that violence against
women is rooted in male domination; however, men are not the only ones that are
violent. Women can be just as violent,
but it goes un-noticed because the idea of violent women goes unrecognized. The idea of white supremacy and capitalist patriarchy
are the fault for the rise in violence against women. I don’t care how masculine or powerful a man
thinks he is, in my eyes, they are super weak and insecure if they go as far as
to hit a defenseless women or child. You
are not strong because you cannot face the fact that you suck at something or
that your wife is more successful then you.
If you truly respected her, you would be happy for her success rather
than bitter about it. In most social situations
though, most women try to exert their dominance among a group a women because they
feel the need to exercise what power they have and among women it is the
easiest to do that. Women may not
enforce physical violence among other women, but we are just as bad when it
comes to psychologically and emotionally inflicting pain. Because most women are caretakers of the
home, they instill a large idea about violence among their children. Whether violence is bad and will not be
tolerated, or that violence is the best way to solve your problems. In my household, violence was not the answer
and nothing good ever came out of it. But
with some of my friends I know that their mom taught them to stand up for
themselves when they have been attacked.
This continuation of saying violence is okay needs to be stopped because
the problem will never be fixed. I agree
that not only violence against women needs to stop, but violence against anyone
in general needs to end because no good ever comes out of it except more
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
A New Way of Thinking
taking multiple biology and psychology classes, my idea of what testosterone
and estrogen consisted of was pretty concrete.
However, after reading Angiers chapters 14 & 15 my notions of these
two hormones have changed a little. These
two chapters have challenged the way I understand testosterone and estrogen. I did not really realize how over-exaggerated
testosterone in males is but it is an overstated subject. People tend to forget that women also have
testosterone in our bodies; however, the degree to which it is expressed is
minimal. It said in the chapter that
testosterone is linked to those umbrella terms under aggression. There is not one significant way to say that
just because someone is aggressive; it is due to the amount of testosterone in
their body. Women get mad and angry but
we do not have high levels of raging testosterone in our bodies. This aggression among females is learned at a
young age. There is a sentence in the
chapter that says “the first job of being a girl is learning to survive in a
group of girls.” I couldn't agree with
this statement more because even in kindergarten, if you couldn't stick up for
yourself, you were screwed. In my
experience, every girl as the tendency to be aggressive among a group of
girls. It is this notion that we need to
be heard before we are judged and if we are misunderstood that’s not okay because
then people will judge us. But in my opinion,
people are going to judge either way so even if you do say something the wrong
way, at least you got it off your chest and was blatantly honest with that
person. I believe that the use of
indirect aggression is worse than direct aggression because at least if a
person is willing to be blunt to your face, they have respect for you. In high school, I would have rather called
nasty names by my “friends” rather than find out from someone else who isn't really
my friend. Being stabbed in the back by
your best friend hurts… a lot. Because then
where does the confrontation come in? it
would be hard to go to that friend and say well so and so told me this…but then
nine chances out of ten, she will say “oh no I never said that,” bullshit.
This is why I have a hard time believing in female solidarity. To me there is no such thing in my generation
because women are out for themselves and that’s about it. There is always a competition between women
that never seems to end.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Questioning of Femininity
The “ Ain't I a Woman” article brought to life the
stereotypes of what it means to be feminine.
My opinion of the article was that femininity is the fault for women not
having rights. There was a quote from
the article that states “If God had desired the equality of woman. He would have given some token of His will
through the birth, life and death of the Savior.” This quote is basing the idea of that
creation of sin by the women “Eve” is the fault for God not granting women
rights. I disagree with this statement because
it is not fair to base the events of creation off of the sins of Eve. Women
are not respected or granted rights because of the stereotypes that are placed upon
them. In her speech, she asks the
question “ ain't I a woman?” She asks
this question because to most men, she was not a woman because she was an “amazon”
and “un-feminine.” She believed that
women do deserve rights and equality no matter how they exude femininity. She also said that people are wicked in their
opinion of women and I agree with this statement. This statement is true because most people cannot
get past the stereotypes of how women are and how they should be. It bothers me that most people do not fully respect
women because we have to work twice as hard as men and we barely are
succeeding. I hope that things will
begin to change but right now in the workforce for women, the statistics are
against us.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Why Is Homophobia a Threat?
Gender Treachery article by Patrick Hopkins answers the question as to why
homophobia is a threat to the idea of masculinity. There is standard that men and society create
for themselves to define their masculinity.
Personhood is a person’s personal identity and how one describes
themselves. Therefore, if there is a
threat to manhood, then it is a threat to personhood. Gender treachery is a new term to me because I
did not know there was a term to describe homosexuality or bisexuality in a
broader sense. These types of gender
treacheries are considered a threat to some people’s identity. I do not understand why some men feel
threatened by homosexuals because they are still masculine just in their own
way. Homosexuals still have masculine
qualities they just define their personhood in a different way. The term hetero-sexism is new to me because it
is such an obvious trait that a person can possess. Hetero-sexism is characterized as valorizing
and privileging heterosexuality, but I believe that people take this term to
the extreme. An extreme form of hetero-sexism is when a person physically or emotionally acts on their idea of hetero-sexism towards a homosexual. I agree
with the statement made by Hopkins when he says that “Homophobia is a product
of institutional hetero-sexism and gendered identity.” Because if our society told us that
homosexuality was normal, we would not have worry about the threat that
homosexuality perceives. Instead, we
would just understand that homosexuals differ from us just in their sexual preference.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Men and Violence Video
The movie we watched in
class was very interesting and brought to light many ideas about masculinity that
I have not thought about. The movie
pointed out this new idea of masculinity and how men feel as though they need
to wear this mask or “front” for people.
I agree that there is a correlation between begin tough/violent and to
being masculine. However, I do not agree
that this should be this way because men should be allowed to be vulnerable
just like women should be allowed to be tough and strong. This violence begins at a young age with
violence among boys or boys conflicting violence on girls. People view violence as gendered issue,
however the statistics show that men are the ones that committing the most violence
in our society. This gendered issue is
rendered masculine makes it difficult for women to violent. If women are violent it is viewed as a big
deal but when men do it, it is invisible.
The most interesting thing from the movie was the idea that throughout
the years men got bigger in the media and women became thinner and smaller. This was created so that women take up less
space and are pushed aside. The rise in
anti-gay violence proves men are insecure about their own sexuality which
causes them to assert the fact that they are “tough guys” when in reality it
just makes them hated among people. The
rap and hip/hop lifestyle in my opinion is the way men of color feel as though
they need to hyper-masculate themselves.
This is because they have lost respect due to their race so they make up
for it by intimidation and violence. This
behavior is caused by the constant message that manhood is connected to
violence and control. Video games and
sports also have this idea of gaining respect by disrespecting other
people. This is not what organized
sports should be about; however, among young boys their fathers instill this
sort of competition among one another. This
was a very informative film and I agreed with most of the points that the
narrator made in regards to violence and films among men.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Marxism and Socialist Feminism
In chapter 3 of Tong’s
book, there is a discussion about what Marxism is and how it regards to
feminism. Marxism regards classism
rather than sexism as a fundamental cause of women’s oppression. However, socialist feminists are not certain
that classism is a women’s worst or only enemy.
Social feminists believe that patrilineal roles play a major role in
women’s oppression and without it; women would be able to experience themselves
as a whole. Marxism has a belief that “Men
and women, through production collectively, create a society that, in turn, shapes
them.” I agree with this statement
because men and women make a name for themselves in society without the help of
anyone else. However, I disagree because
from the beginning women have been given an unfair advantage in regards to
shaping themselves because they are constantly being defined by something
else. Both Marxism and Socialist
Feminism claim that social existence determines consciousness. This means that women are constantly being
reminded of what they should be and how they should be. This creates a negative self-conscious of
themselves. I agree that women should be
viewed as a collective whole rather than fragmented beings. This is difficult to instill in a women
because we are constantly being pounded down by society. This creates a feeling of alienation within a
woman that makes them feel unaccepted and unappreciated. The gender gap in the United States is terrible
and hits close to home with me. My
mother pounds the pavement with her career and will stop to no end to get what
she wants. My mother now holds the
position as the first female to ever be Frederick County manager of finance. This is an amazing promotion for my mother
because she makes twice as much as her male colleagues do. I love the fact that I know a woman who has
embraced the gender gap and didn’t let it defeat her.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Third Wave Feminism- Inclusion or Confusion?
Chapter 8 in Tong’s book on postmodern feminism was very
interesting. The book said that
postmodern feminists reject phallocentric thought and it also rejects any mode
of feminist thought that aims to provide a single explanation for why women are
oppressed or all the steps women must take to achieve liberation. I thought the section on symbolic order was
very interesting because it gives women an avenue to change language and
develop feminine writing to change the way Western society speaks and thinks
about women. This will allow for women
to have a voice and to speak out against issues that they feel strongly
about. Cosmetic surgery was brought up
in the context of begin obedient to certain discourses that women are placed
upon. Cosmetic surgery is definitely a patriarchal
construct because it is an institution that forces women into unnecessary
extreme beauty practices. I agree with
this statement because there is not one logical reason for women to have these
surgeries because it leaves them vulnerable to outside approval. This is unnecessary approval because as long
as a woman is comfortable with herself, then no one else’s opinion should
matter. But the problem is that, that
kind of approval is what makes women have many surgeries to the point where
they do not even look like the same person!
Third wave feminism is eager to state that gender shouldn’t and
doesn’t matter. Women should be allow to
do what they want to do because it makes them happy, not because society tells
them they should or shouldn’t. The thing
I agree with about third wave feminism is that you should not have to wake up
every morning and constantly be reminded about your gender. There are more important things to worry
about. However, third wave feminism is
so accepting that I have to disagree with it at some points. There was an example of a “feminist porn
queen” and how third wave feminists agree that this is possible. I disagree with this statement because no
matter how happy a woman is stripping, she is still being sexually exploited by
men and the respect factor of that kind of work is still degrading for women.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Gender is Invisible… to Men
After reading the
article “Men as ‘Gendered’ Beings,” I did not realize the comparison of gender
identity as it applies to men and women.
For women, we are reminded of our gender everyday because there is some
stigma out there that says look at men I am a woman. In the article, it says that men often think
of themselves as genderless. To them is
like gender does not exist or matter in our everyday life. This article made me step back and think
about the ways in which gender is portrayed in our everyday life. The reason why gender is so invisible to men
is because we do not treat them any differently no matter the given
situation. Men are always treated as “strong”
and “masculine” beings; however, women can be portrayed and convinced they have
different qualities every day. It is
like women cannot figure out who they are because we are constantly being told
you have to this at this time, but be a lady another. it is so frustrating because women live with
the idea of gender every day. This can
be compared to the example he uses with the black women who says she has to
look race in the face every day. Women are
in a constant fight with their gender but men are just now observing that
gender does exist for women and it sucks.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Men Should Do This.. Women Should Do That...
After reading the Gender Stereotypes and Roles article by
Susan Basow, the origin of gender roles seems more apparent to me now. In the article, the writer establishes the
four different types of societies and how women and men’s ideas about gender
shifted because of the work required in each changing society. In foraging
societies, which are hunting and gathering societies, women and men’s work was
about equal. Men were hunters and women
were gatherers. Women were able to
contribute greatly to the food supply; however, the men in the society still had
the more respected job as a hunter because it was considered more
dangerous. I disagree with this because
it was just as dangerous for women to have children in order to keep the
society going. Horticultural societies
appear to be somewhat male-dominated but there is some equality to the
women. The writer states that agrarian
societies are very patriarchal because men tended to dominate the division of
labor. I agree with this statement
because this restricted women’s behaviors and lives. They contributed less to the food supply
because they were thought to have less strength then a man. There were no jobs created for women in agrarian
societies because it was thought that men and their sons could be the only ones
doing the work. This lead to an even
bigger problem with industrial societies because women are written off as just
housewives and care takers. This is the
opposite in my household because my mother is dominating at work (as well is my
step-dad) but my step-dad fills in the role as care taker and cook when my
mother cannot do so. There are no gender
roles in my family which is why I believe that biology, in a sense, is
overrated because a woman can do a men’s job and do it well. She just has to be able to work and accept/enforce
the stereotypes placed against her.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Men are loners, Women are supporters
I enjoyed reading the War and Gender
article because I believe that we should support the notion that men are autonomous
and women are connected. However, most women can be independent and support themselves without the help of men. And another way to look at it, is that men cannot take care of themselves and be happy without a women. That doesn’t have to mean that men
cannot be supportive or that women cannot be on their own. The article pointed out that girls and boys
develop different moral systems while they are growing up. Men tend to fear connection and women tend to
fear competition. I agree with this
statement because no women would admit that she is better than another women,
however, she would go to great lengths to make sure that people knew her name
over someone else’s. But I disagree with
the fact that men are afraid of connection because most men do want to have a
connection with a women, but they are just afraid of getting hurt or hurting
someone else. But nothing ventured,
nothing gained right? Men and women are
2 broad ends of the spectrum because of the moral system we develop when we are
young. Our culture influences us more so
than biology because we either become sensitized to certain situations or we
have just never been exposed to them in the first place. My father grew up with 3 sisters and he was
able to gain a very good understanding of women by the time he was in his early
twenties. He was sensitized to how they
act therefore, when my sister and I were born, he was able to understand the
things we were going through. This doesn’t
make him any less manly he was just sensitized to how women interact with one
another because of his sisters.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Sisterhood or Rivalryhood?
What is sisterhood?
According to Dictionary.com, it is “an organization of women with a common interest, as forsocial, charitable, business, or political purposes, or the state of being a
sister.” Women like to think that they are
all in this together for gender justice, but in my opinion we are not. Since a young age, most women are in
competition with one another, like who had what first and who wore what. Even to this day my mom says that when
younger women go out, it is not to impress the boys (well that is a big part)
but we dress up to compete with the other women that are out there. No woman wants to be “one up-ed” by another
woman…so how does sisterhood work in order to achieve the common goal of gender
justice? I believe that in order for
this political movement to work, all women need to get on the same page and
stop the stereotypes. All women share a
common ground that we are victimized everyday by stereotypes, and in some societies,
by men. This is a scary thought because
we need to have one another’s backs in these situations instead of during the
other cheek and pretending it is not there.
If a woman has feminist thoughts then she should stand proud and say she
is a feminist instead of hiding from the idea.
I believe that when women unite together, we could be a force to be
reckoned with and that is powerful.
Feminist politics need to have strong women that are willing to work
together instead of fighting with one another over small judgments. As women we all share one same idea, we all
want to be equal to men somehow some way, but we do not really know where to
start. I believe that with feminist
politics it will give women the voice they need to start their journey of
ending sexism.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
It's About Time
“States can never
again push violence into the corner or off the table. They are accountable, now and in the future,
and must respect, protect and fulfill women’s right to life free of violence”
(pg. 26). I enjoyed reading the “Women’s
Rights Are Human Rights” article because the feminist movement around the world
has done a lot to ensure the rights of women.
These rights and movements have forced the government to take
responsibility for what happens to women and that will force them to recognize
the issues at hand. Most women live in
constant fear of men because they feel as though they have no way out and no
woman should feel that way every day.
The most interesting section of this article, in my opinion, was about
the rape in marriage because I believe that that is something that goes
unrecognized but it is the most shameful form of rape. Every woman deserves to know that she has a
way out of any bad situation and now we have the tools and resources to make
sure women are protected. The African
Union’s Protocol that they adopted makes me feel empowered because of the
people out there fighting for women to make sure that women are granted the
rights they deserve to have. It is a
good feeling to know that we have legislation on our side because women
everywhere are undermined but now that is changing because of these
organizations. It would be amazing if
one day, all around the world, that women no longer have to live in fear and in
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Women as CEOs
our class discussion, a point was made concerning occupation and gender. It is perceived that when men are strong and
dominating in the work place it is considered that they are just doing their
jobs and nothing is questioned. However,
when women are dominating in the workplace, they are considered unfeminine and
a “bitch.” Women in the workplace are not
respected most of the time in corporate offices because of this stereotype. My situation in my family, however, is
different from this said stereotype. My
mom works for Frederick County government and she was recently promoted from
treasurer to the director of finance. This
was a huge step for my mom in her career and she was against all odds and 3
other men while being a person of interest for this position. She got the job and she was immediately
pressured to not mess up or get rattled because if a “man” were in her
position, that would never happen. She
was under a great deal of stress but she earned the name “pit-bull.” She received this nickname because of her
ability to state her opinion to her male colleagues and not backing down from a
fight. My mom is much respected in her
position because her colleagues have realized that she does her job as well as
a man would if the sexes were reversed.
She can be that typical business “bitch” but I just consider her being
strong and decisive. She also
understands when she is in the wrong or if her idea doesn’t work. My mom is one of the many women that were
able to disprove what was going on in the corporate world because she is able
to do her job and keep a household strong.
I believe that the idea of occupation and gender should no longer be an
issue because people have different skills that should not be gender
specific. If you have more talent than
the person sitting next to you, you should get the job because of your
accomplishments and skills, not your gender. I also found the Valenti reading very
interesting because she is so outspoken and does not really care what people
think about her because being a feminist is so instilled in her. She is proud to be a feminist and I believe
that more women should be as outspoken as her!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Who We Choose to Be
After reading
Chapter 6, “Issues of Subjectivity and Identity,” the pronoun “I” has a much
larger meaning than just being a part of speech. This pronoun represents how we assimilate
into a particular culture, what values and beliefs we choose to have and it is
our own self-identity. Being at Juniata
allows me to develop my own sense of that pronoun because I am able to live on
my own and make my own decisions. There
are many different things that shape my self- identity but it is my social
identity that changes. My social
identity changes because of either the situations that I am put into, or it is
also shaped by the people I am with. I
am subjected to a different social identity every day of the week but my
self-identity inside of me remains the same.
In this reading it says that we are not original but we are
creative. I agree with this statement
because we all have creative thoughts and creative ways in which we do things,
however the principle remains the same.
The example used in the reading was about dreams. Everyone dreams, but each person has their
own dream that is unique to them. We all
have a self and social identity, but the way we create each identity is unique
to each individual. I hope that after
this class I am able to decide if I am a feminist or not. I struggle with this as being a part of my
social and self-identity because the “f” word is full of stereotypes and the
concept, in my opinion, can be confusing to most people.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Gender and Conflict
I am excited for Gender and Conflict to start!
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