Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sisterhood or Rivalryhood?

What is sisterhood?  According to, it is “an organization of women with a common interest, as forsocial, charitable, business, or political purposes, or the state of being a sister.”  Women like to think that they are all in this together for gender justice, but in my opinion we are not.  Since a young age, most women are in competition with one another, like who had what first and who wore what.  Even to this day my mom says that when younger women go out, it is not to impress the boys (well that is a big part) but we dress up to compete with the other women that are out there.  No woman wants to be “one up-ed” by another woman…so how does sisterhood work in order to achieve the common goal of gender justice?    I believe that in order for this political movement to work, all women need to get on the same page and stop the stereotypes.  All women share a common ground that we are victimized everyday by stereotypes, and in some societies, by men.  This is a scary thought because we need to have one another’s backs in these situations instead of during the other cheek and pretending it is not there.  If a woman has feminist thoughts then she should stand proud and say she is a feminist instead of hiding from the idea.  I believe that when women unite together, we could be a force to be reckoned with and that is powerful.  Feminist politics need to have strong women that are willing to work together instead of fighting with one another over small judgments.  As women we all share one same idea, we all want to be equal to men somehow some way, but we do not really know where to start.  I believe that with feminist politics it will give women the voice they need to start their journey of ending sexism.

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