Saturday, September 8, 2012

Men are loners, Women are supporters

I enjoyed reading the War and Gender article because I believe that we should support the notion that men are autonomous and women are connected.  However, most women can be independent and support themselves without the help of men.  And another way to look at it, is that men cannot take care of themselves and be happy without a women.  That doesn’t have to mean that men cannot be supportive or that women cannot be on their own.  The article pointed out that girls and boys develop different moral systems while they are growing up.  Men tend to fear connection and women tend to fear competition.  I agree with this statement because no women would admit that she is better than another women, however, she would go to great lengths to make sure that people knew her name over someone else’s.  But I disagree with the fact that men are afraid of connection because most men do want to have a connection with a women, but they are just afraid of getting hurt or hurting someone else.  But nothing ventured, nothing gained right?  Men and women are 2 broad ends of the spectrum because of the moral system we develop when we are young.  Our culture influences us more so than biology because we either become sensitized to certain situations or we have just never been exposed to them in the first place.  My father grew up with 3 sisters and he was able to gain a very good understanding of women by the time he was in his early twenties.  He was sensitized to how they act therefore, when my sister and I were born, he was able to understand the things we were going through.  This doesn’t make him any less manly he was just sensitized to how women interact with one another because of his sisters.

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