Sunday, September 2, 2012

It's About Time

“States can never again push violence into the corner or off the table.  They are accountable, now and in the future, and must respect, protect and fulfill women’s right to life free of violence” (pg. 26).  I enjoyed reading the “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” article because the feminist movement around the world has done a lot to ensure the rights of women.  These rights and movements have forced the government to take responsibility for what happens to women and that will force them to recognize the issues at hand.   Most women live in constant fear of men because they feel as though they have no way out and no woman should feel that way every day.  The most interesting section of this article, in my opinion, was about the rape in marriage because I believe that that is something that goes unrecognized but it is the most shameful form of rape.  Every woman deserves to know that she has a way out of any bad situation and now we have the tools and resources to make sure women are protected.  The African Union’s Protocol that they adopted makes me feel empowered because of the people out there fighting for women to make sure that women are granted the rights they deserve to have.  It is a good feeling to know that we have legislation on our side because women everywhere are undermined but now that is changing because of these organizations.  It would be amazing if one day, all around the world, that women no longer have to live in fear and in silence. 

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